Poised AI based comminication tool


Poised AI based comminication tool

In today’s digital age, effective communication is more crucial than ever, especially in the virtual meeting spaces of Zoom, Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet. Enter Poised, the groundbreaking AI-powered communication coach designed to enhance your verbal communication skills in real-time.

What is Poised?

Poised is an innovative tool that leverages artificial intelligence to provide instant feedback on your communication performance during online meetings. Whether you’re presenting to clients, collaborating with your team, or leading a virtual workshop, Poised helps identify and reduce filler words, monitors your energy and confidence levels, and even gauges the empathy conveyed in your speech.

Key Features of Poised

  • Real-Time Feedback: Receive instant analysis and suggestions on how to improve your speaking skills during live meetings.
  • Diverse Platform Compatibility: Works seamlessly with popular platforms like Zoom, Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet.
  • Comprehensive Communication Insights: Tracks the words you use most, identifies overused filler words, and provides metrics on your confidence, energy, and empathy levels.

Benefits of Using Poised

By providing actionable insights into your communication habits, the platform empowers you to make real-time adjustments that significantly improve the clarity and impact of your speech. Here are some benefits users have experienced:

  • Enhanced clarity and articulation in communication
  • Increased confidence during presentations and meetings
  • Improved engagement with audiences through measured empathy
  • Reduction in unnecessary filler words, leading to more concise communication

How to Get Started with Poised

Getting started with Posed is straightforward. Simply sign up on their website, integrate the tool with your preferred online meeting platform, and begin receiving real-time feedback on your communication skills. With Poised’s intuitive interface and comprehensive analytics, improving your verbal communication in the digital realm has never been easier.

Embrace the future of communication training with Poised. As you harness the power of AI to refine your speaking abilities, you’ll find yourself communicating more effectively and confidently in any online setting.