Presentations AI is AI based presentation maker

Presentations AI

Presentations AI is AI based presentation maker

Presentations AI is a web-based application that lets you create stunning presentations using artificial intelligence and natural language. You can simply type in a prompt and generate entire PPT presentations from scratch within seconds using ChatGPT, a powerful language model. PresentationsAI also simplifies collaboration for remote teams, allowing you to request feedback, assign tasks, and track presentations seamlessly – all from your workspace. Whether you need to pitch an idea, teach a lesson, or share a story, Presentations.AI can help you craft a beautiful presentation with ease. Presentations is a tool that can benefit anyone who needs to create engaging and professional presentations using artificial intelligence and natural language.

Presentations AI Features

ChatGPT: Generate Presentations from Prompts

ChatGPT is a powerful language model that can generate entire PPT presentations from scratch within seconds using a simple prompt. You can type in any topic, question, or idea. ChatGPT will create a presentation for you.

Bard for Slides™: Create Presentations with One Click

Bard for Slides™ is a feature that allows you to create a presentation with just one click, generating up to 20 slides effortlessly. You can choose from a variety of templates and themes and Bard for Slides™ will fill in the content for you.

Image Selection: Find the Perfect Images for Your Slides

Image Selection is an advanced algorithm that ensures your slides feature the perfect images for your content. You can either upload your own images or let Image Selection find the best ones for you from a large database of high-quality images.

Contextual Editing: Tailor Your Presentations to Your Needs

Contextual Editing is a feature that lets you tailor your presentations with your own context. This makes your slides unique and impactful. You can edit the text, images, and layout of your slides to suit your purpose and audience.

Style Customization: Customize Your Presentation’s Style

Style Customization is a feature that enables you to customize your presentation’s style to your liking with personalized templates, colors, fonts, and sizes. You can also apply different writing tones to your text, such as formal, casual, humorous, or persuasive.

Language Support: Create Presentations in Your Preferred Language

Language Support is a feature that supports 40+ languages and dialects, allowing you to create presentations in your preferred language. You can also translate your presentations to other languages with just one click.

Collaboration: Simplify Collaboration for Remote Teams

Collaboration is a feature that simplifies collaboration for remote teams, allowing you to request feedback, assign tasks, and track presentations seamlessly – all from your workspace. You can also share your presentations with anyone via a link or download them as PDF or PPT files.

Who Can Benefit from PresentationsAI?

Presentations is a tool that can interest anyone who wants to save time and effort in creating presentations, such as students, teachers, entrepreneurs, marketers, consultants, and more. It can also appeal to anyone who wants to leverage the power of AI and natural language to create stunning and captivating presentations that can impress any audience. Whether you need to pitch an idea, teach a lesson, or share a story, PresentationsAI can help you craft a beautiful presentation with ease.

How much does PresentationsAI cost?

Presentations.AI is a tool that offers different pricing plans depending on your needs. You can start with a free plan that allows you to create up to 3 presentations per month with limited features. You can also upgrade to a premium plan that gives you unlimited presentations, more features, and more AI credits.

If you are looking for the best tools to create amazing presentations with the help of AI, you should read this article.It features a list of the top AI presentation makers, and explains how they can enhance your presentation skills, save you time, and impress your audience.